What Should I Expect?


We hope you feel welcome and free to come as you are. Our aim is to be adorned in godliness, modesty, and love. As such, we do not put a high priority on outward appearance. You will most likely meet folks in jeans and T-shirts, as well as more formal attire. 

A Typical Sunday Schedule @ Calvary

  • 9:45: Arrive for fellowship, coffee and donuts while finding a seat. If you wish to have your 3-6 year old children enrolled in “Calvary Kids”, this is the time to "check in". (Sign up information on the wall near the coffee room)

  • 10:00: Announcements. This is a vital part of plugging at Calvary as it is our primary means of communication with the body at-large. We also encourage you to text JOIN to 833-245-4186 to receive our weekly church bulletin via text.

  • 10:10-10:30: Praise and worship. We typically sing a mix of theologically accurate contemporary songs, as well as classic hymns, with various instrumental accompaniments. 

  • 10:30-10:35: Calvary Kids are dismissed to class, followed by Scripture reading. 

  • 10:35-11:15(ish): Worship continues through the expository preaching of God's Word. Although we will occasionally teach through topical series, our "bread and butter" is verse-by-verse systematic exposition through books of the Bible. 

  • 11:15(ish)-11:30: Closing prayer and continued worship through congregational praise, followed by a benediction and dismissal. It is also during this time that we practice the Lord’s supper on the first Sunday of every month.

  • 11:30: We love to mingle, fellowship, and commune with one another! We invite you to stay as long as you would like. It's not uncommon to see folks in prayer, continued study, or just catching up, and we hope you feel welcome to hang around! 

Child Care

At Calvary, we practice "family worship". What this means is that we place a high value on keeping family units together during Sunday worship. This enables families to worship as a unit, as well as providing opportunities to teach, discuss, and disciple their children in the teaching that the family has received together. In light of this, we are not bothered by the occasional noise or movement of children. Our services are usually dotted with the occasional cry or bathroom trip. These minor distractions are a small price to pay for the joy and value that comes with family worship. 

Additionally, we have a nursery/cry room for mothers with infants, and we offer "Calvary Kids" classes for children, ages 3-6. Children in this age group are dismissed immediately prior to the sermon where they then attend an age appropriate Bible class. 

Wednesday Nights

We have AWANA Clubs that meet at 6:30 on Wednesday nights. These meetings follow the school calendar. The focus of this time is for children to memorize Scripture in a creative and engaging way. Parents are expected to rotate through as periodic assistants. We also occasionally have topical classes for adults on Wednesday night. 

Small Groups

We firmly believe that small groups are one of the ideal ways to continue to grow in the faith. Most discipleship and accountability at CBC happens in small group contexts. If you attend Calvary, but are not plugged into a small group, you are missing out on much of what we are about! Different small groups meet at different times and places, as well as targeting different demographics. The easiest way to learn more about and plug into small groups is to contact Karin Monson (small group coordinator).

Family Meetings

We try to have a “family meeting” every quarter, 10 minutes after the Sunday service concludes. This is a time for communication, questions, answers, direction, vision, and updates between the congregation and the leadership. All are encouraged to stay for and participate in this meeting. 

Personal Discipleship

There is no replacement for "one on one" discipleship—men discipling men, and women discipling women (Titus 2:1-8). Discipleship is at the very core of the great commission (Mat 28:19-20), and is an activity that we are never truly finished with, nor can we “opt out” of! Jesus' heart-cry was that his people would be "disciple makers". Therefore, our desire is that in one way or another, we are all being both discipled, AND discipling others around us. This looks rather informal and organic, yet it is not without intentionality! If you are interested in learning more about discipleship, or would like to find someone who is able to meet with you regularly, speak with an elder in person or email us at elders@calvarybiblemp.org

Prayer/Fellowship Meeting:

  • The men of Calvary meet at 7:00am on the first Saturday of every month for breakfast, a short devotional, and prayer time.

  • The women of Calvary meet at 9:00am Sunday morning for prayer time.

For more information on either of these ministries, please contact elders@calvarybiblemp.org.

Women’s Fellowship 

Meeting once a month, ladies are encouraged to get to know each other over a shared meal.  After eating, there is a time of interactive teaching and prayer. This fellowship meal and study time happens on the 1st Thursday night of each month at 6:30 p.m. All women ages 13+ are welcome to attend, and encouraged to fill in their contact information on the sign-up sheet in the foyer. In the event that you are unable to sign up in advance, or have any other questions about this ministry, please contact Heather Villone.

Men’s Steak & Study

The men of Calvary meet once a month to fellowship and grow in the Word over a meal of fresh grilled steaks. This fellowship meal and study time happens on the 3rd Monday night of each month at 6:00 p.m. All men ages 13+ are welcome to attend, and encouraged to fill in their contact information on the sign-up sheet in the foyer. In the event that you are unable to sign up in advance, or have any other questions about this ministry, please contact Josh Villone.


Calvary Bible seeks to glorify God by making disciples both at home and around the world. We support several missionaries serving throughout the globe both financially and through short-term ministry trips.

Additional programs

We are not a highly "programmatic" church. This does not mean that we reject all "programs". Rather, we believe the primary purpose of the local church is disciple making that starts in the home with father, mother, and children. Our calling to reach the community is largely an organic overflow of the transformation that starts in homes where a healthy gospel culture is central. Global change happens through community change, community change happens through family change, and family change happens through personal change and transformation. Therefore we believe our calling is to focus on the grassroots of personal development and growth, with the expectation that further outreach and kingdom advancement happens as a result of healthy personal spiritual growth. Any additional programs we implement, will be to support and further this aim.