

Daniel Souza (staff)

Josh Villone (staff)

Dave Rogers (staff)

Craig Pruitt

James Blevins

James Woods

Daniel Souza

Daniel came to Calvary Bible Church in 2019 after serving four years in Brazil. He is passionate about pointing people to the supremacy of Jesus Christ over all things through expository preaching, and fills most of the pulpit ministry at Calvary. He is a graduate of Texas A&M University (B.S., 2002), University of Texas at Arlington (MBA, 2008), and Bethlehem Seminary (MDiv., 2015); and also works in the insurance industry, through which he seeks to make much of Christ. 

Daniel is privileged to be a husband to Jessica, and father to five children, Josiah, Claire, Aaron, Annaleigh, and Levi.

“And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another.” 2 Cor 3:18

Josh Villone

Josh and his family moved from Arizona in 2016 and have attended and served Calvary Bible Church ever since. He cares for the local community as a registered nurse and currently oversees the clerical and facility needs at Calvary. He is also heavily invested in discipleship, pastoral care, and the men's ministry. 

He has been happily married to Heather for over 20 years, and is the father to three children: Avie, Elijah, and Lily. 

"Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ." Col. 1:28

Dave Rogers

Dave came to Calvary Bible Church in 2012. He serves the church through ministerial vision, teaching, discipleship, and pastoral care. He is self employed, and His passion in ministry and all of life is to help others discover and delight in friendship with God through the work of Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit. 

He is blessed to be married to his childhood sweetheart and best friend Bethany. Together, they have three children: Noelle, Ariana, and Bethany.

"And though the Lord give you the bread of adversity and the water of affliction, yet your Teacher will not hide himself anymore, but your eyes shall see your Teacher. And your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, “This is the way, walk in it,” when you turn to the right or when you turn to the left." Isa 30:20-21

Craig Pruitt

Craig has been a part of Calvary Bible Church since 2012 and loves this local body of believers. He is a licensed professional counselor here in Mount Pleasant and has been in private practice since 1992. As part of his calling to help lead and shepherd this flock, he and his wife, Maranna, host one of Calvary’s Small Groups in their home. Craig has a passion for people's well being and loves to see people grow in their relationship with Jesus.

James Blevins

James, his wife Kelley, and their children Elisha, Isabel, and James have been a part of Calvary Bible Church since 2007. Having travelled much during his early years in life, he had literally no idea who Jesus was, having never even heard of him until his teenage years, when he received God’s gift of grace. James has been part of several church plants, also working on evangelism and discipleship teams to reach college students. Three short phrases summarize the core of what he believes: Christ Alone, Through Faith Alone, by His Grace Alone.

James Woods

James and Kayla met while in high school and were married in March 2006. Along the way, God has seen fit to bless them with seven amazing kids (Justice, Dawson, Eli, Autumn, Maddox, Ember, and Raylee). James is passionate about the church, especially working with children in AWANA, or teaching the Bible to youth. One of the passages of Scripture that has most captivated his view of ministry is the Sermon on the Mount where Jesus calls us to be salt and light. As such, James’s desire is to live his life in such a way that would point others to Christ , making a difference to the surrounding world.


Todd Burns

Aaron Dyer

JR Dyer

Chris Nix

Greg Monson